October Trip to Florence

This month’s Florence Part 2 Trip was a great success! A wonderful time was had by all in the group as we soaked up the Florentine atmosphere in beautiful autumn sunshine.

We absorbed ourselves in the art and architecture of this gem of a city, the cradle of Renaissance culture. Visits included the Palazzo Pitti and Boboli Gardens, Michelangelo's David at the Academia, Palazzo Vecchio, the Medici and Magi Chapels, Basilica Santa Maria Novella, Casa Buonarotti and Badia Fiorentina.

An absolute highlight was a private tour of the Sacristy in the Duomo, an area of the cathedral which is closed to the public.

Plans are underway for Gallery Talks Florence Trips in March, April and October 2023!

Please contact me if you'd be interested in joining one of these trips.