New Dulwich Picture Gallery Series

I am delighted to introduce a new series of Gallery Talks at the Dulwich Picture Gallery to take place on one Thursday morning per month. This course consists of six talks, as listed here.

The dates for the first two talks of this course are:

  • Thursday 10th November
    DPG01 Italian Renaissance, Baroque & Rococo
    (Raphael, Piero di Cosimo, Vasari, Veronese, Canaletto)
  • Thursday 8th December
    DPG02 Dutch & Flemish Masters
    (Rembrandt, Cuyp, Dou, Bol, Teniers, Rubens, Van Dyck)

We will meet each morning at 10.30am and spend until 12.30pm in the galleries. On the calendar page of my website this group is 'Group 7' with Chardin’s Schoolmistress as the icon.

Dulwich Picture Gallery houses one of the finest smaller collections of Old Master paintings in the world. A kaleidoscope of European art, it is filled with household names and hidden gems by Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch, Flemish and British artists. Highlights of the collection include Murillo’s 'The Flower Girl’, Canaletto’s 'Old Walton Bridge’ and Rembrandt's 'A Girl at a Window'.

There is an entrance fee of £16.50 and it’s free for Friends of Dulwich Picture Gallery and Art Fund members.

If you would like to join the group for this tour, please contact me and I will send you further details.

The fee for each Gallery Talk tour is £30 and includes a set of notes sent out by email afterwards.