Gallery Talks - Florence Trips 2023

  • Florence Part One: 3rd - 7th March
  • Florence Part Two: 21st - 24th April
  • Florence Part Three: 6th - 10th October

Would you like to join the group for any of these Gallery Talks Florence Trips?

If so, please contact me and I'll reply with further details, including flight and hotel recommendations.

These four day cultural study tours include detailed morning and afternoon tours of the treasure trove of art in the churches and museums of this wonderful city, which still retains an astoundingly dense concentration of great works of art. All entrance tickets are pre-booked with timed entry and reservations for lunch and dinner are made for the group each day and evening.

The varied itineraries for the three trips include visiting the Uffizi, Academia, Duomo, Bargello, Santa Croce, Santa Spirito, the Brancacci, Medici and Magi Chapels and a Day Trip to Siena. Visit Trips to Florence for more information on each itinerary.