14th Oct - National Gallery Talk on Turner and Constable

Would you like to find out more about the great masters of British art, Turner and Constable?
If so, you're welcome to join a group at the National Gallery on Thursday 14th October at 10.30am when I'll be discussing masterpieces by these two iconic artists.

Turner's reputation is as one of the most important British painters, whose work accorded landscape and seascape respectability. His relentless study of light and nature led to entirely new advances in the expression of atmospheric space and luminosity through colour. Constable pioneered a new type of painting, by representing in paint the changing effects of light in the open air and recording the immediacy of weather effects. His inspiration and delight in nature stemmed from his profound love of the Suffolk countryside.

Please contact me if you'd be interested in joining the Gallery Talk group and I will send you further details.
