4th Nov - National Gallery Talk on Italian Renaissance

Would you like to find out more about the stunning Italian Renaissance masterpieces in the National Gallery?
If so, you are welcome to join a Gallery Talks group on Thursday 4th November at 10.30am at the National Gallery, for my talk on artists including Botticelli, Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci.

Please contact me if you would like to join the group that morning and I will send you further details.

The collection of Renaissance art in the National Gallery is one of the finest in the world and I look forward to guiding you through some of the beautiful works of art displayed in the serene atmosphere of the Sainsbury Wing.

Renaissance art achieved its fullest flowering in Italy, where the remains of classical sculpture and architecture could be studied and newly-rich city states, such as Florence, provided generous and innovative patrons. Subject matter was expanded to include classical mythology, artists studied the human body and the techniques of naturalism, perspective and oil paint were mastered. Leonardo da Vinci was largely responsible for establishing the idea of the artist as a creative intellectual and not simply a skilled craftsman.