8th Feb - Impressionism at Tate Britain

Places are available on a Gallery Talk on Impressionism - Singer Sargent, Whistler and Sickert - on Tuesday 8th Febuary, from 10.30am until 12.30pm at Tate Britain.

Please contact me if you are interested in this talk and I will send you further details.

In the beautiful surroundings of Tate Britain, I'll talk to you about some of the fascinating works of art created in Britain by Impressionists, focusing on artists such as John Singer Sargent, James McNeill Whistler, James Tissot and Philip Wilson Steer.

The French Impressionist revolution in art was introduced into Britain by James McNeill Whistler, his daringly individual art focusing on expression through purely visual and aesthetic means. The next generation of British artists, such as John Singer Sargent, Walter Richard Sickert and Philip Wilson Steer, took up the practice of Impressionism, painting everyday subject matter, completing pictures out of doors and rendering natural light effects with luminous, bright colours. Independent and highly individual artists, for example Augustus and Gwen John, developed personal, sensitively observed realism in their portraits.

The complete list of upcoming Gallery Talks series is available on the Calendar and this group is listed as 'Group 7' with Chardin's Schoolmistress as the icon.

I very much look forward to guiding you through the wonderful art treasures in Tate Britain.