20th Jan - Italian Renaissance Art Talk at the National Gallery

Places are available for my Gallery Talk on Italian Renaissance artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo, del Piombo and Bronzino this Thursday 20th January, from 10.30am until 12.30pm at the National Gallery. If you’d like to join the group that morning, please contact me and I’ll send you further details.

The Renaissance art collection at the National Gallery is one of the finest in the world and I look forward to guiding you through a selection of the masterpieces by these great Italian artists to give a richer understanding of them and the techniques they employed in the creation of their beautiful works of art. My aim is to bring the art to life by sharing my enthusiasm for art and telling the stories of particular paintings, considering aspects of the lives of the artists and by placing the works of art into their historical and social context.

Renaissance Florence and Rome witnessed an outpouring of all the visual arts, with artists responding to enthusiastic patrons, including the popes. Raphael and Michelangelo, heroes of the High Renaissance, simultaneously created pioneering art of monumental grandeur and technical sophistication. The study of nature, the human body and ancient sculpture was fundamental to achieving a union of classical ideals and Christian divinity. Subject matter broadened to embrace portraiture and allegories and paintings began to be given as diplomatic gifts.

In giving my Gallery Talks, I hope to enhance your appreciation of the wealth of art here on our doorstep in London.