Gallery Talks Quiz 1 - The Answers

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Many of you enjoyed the distraction of spending a little time completing the first Gallery Talks Quiz. Please see the answers below.

Congratulations to Sarah Molke, who is the winner of Quiz 1.

I will be posting another in the series of art quizes soon.

Gallery Talks Quiz 1 - National Gallery ‘Royalty’

  1. Which painting by Velàzquez was the first to be purchased for the nation by the Art Fund, with a contribution from King Edward VII, in 1906?
    The Rokeby Venus
  2. Which Venetian artist was commissioned by King Philip II of Spain to paint a series of six large mythological paintings, inspired by Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’, during the 1550s & 1560s?
  3. The Wilton Diptych was painted around 1395-9 as a portable altarpiece for which King of England, who is depicted in the painting?
    Richard II
  4. King Charles I appointed which Flemish artist as First Painter to the King in 1632?
    Anthony Van Dyck
  5. The Self-Portrait by Elisabeth Vigée le Brun in 1782 was inspired by Rubens’ ‘Le Chapeau de Paille’ (also in the NG). By which Queen of France was Elisabeth Vigée le Brun patronised as portrait painter?
    Marie Antoinette
  6. Which Madonna & Child painting of 1425 is owned by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and is on long term loan to the National Gallery?
    ‘The Quaratasi Madonna’ by Gentile da Fabriano
  7. ‘The Ambassadors’ was painted in 1533 at the Court of King Henry VIII in London by which artist?
    Hans Holbein the Younger
  8. Rubens painted ‘Peace and War’ in 1629-30 as a gift to celebrate successful peace negotiations between England and Spain that he had carried out as envoy to King Philip IV of Spain. To which King of England and Scotland did Rubens give this gift?
    Charles I
  9. King George III purchased the art collection of Joseph Smith, the British Consul at Venice, in 1765, including a large series of views of Venice by which artist?
  10. Which King of Spain appears in three paintings by Velàzquez in the National Gallery collection?
    Philip IV
  11. The portrait of the official mistress of King Louis XV of France by François-Hubert Drouais in 1763-4, depicts her at her tambour frame in a stunning dress. What was the sitter’s name?
    Madame de Pompadour
  12. Orazio Gentileschi’s huge ‘Finding of Moses’ painting was commissioned to celebrate the birth of which heir to the throne of Great Britain?
    Charles II
  13. Which painting by Guido Reni was commissioned by King Wladislaw of Poland around 1640?
    ‘The Rape of Europa’
  14. The Biblical Queen of Sheba is depicted at a seaport embarking on her journey to visit King Solomon in a painting by which artist?
    Claude Lorrain
  15. Which artist painted a grand scene featuring the Ancient Greek King Alexander the Great, painted in 1565-7 for the Pisani family in Venice? What is the name of the painting?
    Veronese ‘The Family of Darius before Alexander’