The National Portrait Gallery houses the most substantial collection of portraits in the world. The portraits are of historically important and famous British people from the 16th century to the present day. This course of talks will be given chronologically and will take us on a journey through British history from the reigns of the Tudors and Stuarts, through the Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian eras, and via the Modern day to contemporary times.

NPG01   The Tudors
16th Century
Eworth, Hilliard, Holbein, Gheeraerts

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NPG02 The Stuarts
17th Century
Honthorst, Mytens, Rubens, Van Dyck

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NPG03 The Restoration
17th Century
Lely, Beale, Kneller, Mignard

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NPG04 The Georgians
18th Century
Hogarth, Hayman, Hudson, Gainsborough, Ramsay, Stubbs

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NPG05 The Regency
18th Century
Reynolds, Beechey, Lawrence, Singleton, Copley, Wilkie, Kauffman

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NPG06   The Victorians
19th Century
Landseer, Linnell, Wright of Derby, Millais, Maddox Brown, Singer Sargent

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NPG07 The Edwardians
20th Century
Tissot, Rodin, Fry, G. John, Bell, Epstein, Grant, A. John

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NPG08 Modernism (Part I)
20th Century
Nicholson, Dobson, Wood, Bomberg, Lowry

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NPG09 Modernism (Part II)
20th Century
Agar, Hepworth, Heron, Smith, Sutherland, Gunn, Boty

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NPG10 Contemporary
20th & 21st Centuries
Auerbach, Ofili, Gilbert & George, Taylor-Wood, Hockney

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