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My Favourite Paintings - 'Studland Beach' by Vanessa Bell

The painting that I'll be discussing is 'Studland Beach' (c.1912) by Vanessa Bell, in Tate Britain.

One in a series of Gallery Talks on Zoom, called ‘My Favourite Paintings', to concentrate your thoughts on Art History. Each talk is on one work of art. I share insights, discuss aspects such as the subject matter, historical and social context of the work of art, the life of the artist and the techniques and materials they empIoyed. The talk will last for an hour, with time to answer questions from the chat box.

This is the last in the 'My Favourite Paintings' series for the foreseeable future. As museums and galleries begin to re-open, I hope to be able to organise some Gallery Talks visits over the summer and plan to resume my Art History courses in London galleries in the autumn.